We’re back!

After our previous site was hacked and blacklisted by Google, we are finally back up and running on a new server with a brand new WordPress install.

With Google’s blessing* you will no longer see any security alert messages and the site will now be reindexed by Google. *Before Google would take down the warning messages and reindex the site we needed to ensure the site met their stringent guidelines, then submit a reconsideration request along with a short essay explaining what steps have been taken to prevent security issues going forward.

The old website content has been carefully migrated to our new server, but there are likely a few broken links, missing images or settings that were missed. We’ll do our best to comb through the site and fix things as we find them. Please feel free to send us a note if you find anything wrong or missing.

PS The council is in the process of creating a plan to update the site with new content and new features, so stay tuned!
